
Uma Kamat

I am an ardent sport person with state level championship in Basketball and District level champion in Field & Track. I am is also an avid track runner in 100m, 200m, 400m and 4x100m, and an excellent swimmer. Following is my journey:
2017-18 (11th) : Won most school track field medals. Selected for School Basketball Team. Due to new ID (being US Citizen) issues could not play matches.
2016-17 (10th): ISACI National Basketball Runners Up -Captain. Scored average 15 baskets per match. Won silver and gold medals in ISACI Swimming individual competition. Best School Athlete Award.
2015-16 (9th): ISACI National Basketball Champion (first for the school) . Scored average 15 baskets per match. Best School Athlete Award.
2014-15 (8th): School Basketball Team. Top 2 scorer. State Indo Track & Field Medals. Led school team in district level leagues and won championships.
2013-14 (7th): State Basketball Championship Under-14 Girls. Top two basket shooters across matches.
2010-2013 (4-6), Best Track & Field Athlete for Grades 4, 5 & 6 - Gold medals for 100m, 200m, 400m and 4x100m relay over 3 years.
(1) International Schools MYP National Basketball Championship (2015-16) & Runners-up (2016-17):
In 2015-16, I and my sister Alka joined MBIS MYP4. At that time, the MBIS Basketball team was the last in ISACI tournament. We together took initiative to ensure practice after school was serious, and working with the new coach, we specialized training for potential key positions. We were lucky that rest of team responded positively. The transformation was complete and was evident in ISACI results. We went to win the ISACI Championship.
The next year, I was chosen captain. Once again, we won the Runners-up place, in otherwise hostile environment !
Following pictures are of me and Alka holding the Championship. Next one is whole team (with me 2nd from right).
[2] State Basketball Championship Under 14:
First Pune District Level (16 School Teams): This was my first District level competition. It took place between September 12 to 14, in the iconic Deccan Gymkhana, in Pune. Deccan Gymkhana is where International Cricket or tennis or athletic matches used to take place. So for me it was very exciting time. Over the 4 matches, we emerged as Pune District Winner and I as top scorer. Below the team gets ready before other team even show up for the finals. Also the District level championship certificate.

Pune Divisional District Level (8 Districts, 16 Schools): State Championship matches took place at Akluj, Solapur September 11-15, 2013. This was my first outside location competition experience. We 10 kids were bunked in 2 big rooms. In 3 days, we played 5 matches and won the Divisional Championship for Under 14 Girls Category. Akluj is a small town and was a different but great experience. I was top two scorers across these matches. Below, first is the certificate, then two Uma-in-action, and finally the local News Paper clippings (Uma - sitting second from left)

State Championship Matches: State Championship matches took place at Bramhpuri, Chandrapur between October 25-27, 2013. In 3 days, we played six matches and won the State Championship for Under 14 Girls Category. For the team, staying together in a large room, in a small town was becoming habit and so was winning. I was top 2 scorere across these matches. Overall, journey to State Championship was long one, but worth it.